No, that's an insult to nerds. This post is about those twats that think having the most expensive graphics card with the most numbers after it with the biggest RAM on it is what makes a great gaming PC.
I had to build my PC on a budget. Got a dual core processor. Got an 8400GS. The card isn't actually too bad. However the amount of people who think they know all about PC's go on as if it is an etch-a-sketch (thanks to some work colleagues for that one!!). They go on about their £500, latest top of the range cards and how they can play Crysis at top settings and get 2,000,000 FPS......get a life! You do know that monitors refresh at 60FPS don't you? Knobs.
I have been searching for help on getting TF2 settings help. I was having major problems. I was despondent. My system should have worked according to Steam. I was starting to believe the uneducated Forum pricks. Then I discovered, from the proper Video Game Geeks, the educated ones who know what is best, the ones with knowledge, the ones who realise you can't always buy the latest from Nvidia, that TF2, and many other shooter games, are CPU dependent. You can run a lot of Valve games on old cards, so long as you have a half decent CPU.
So I re-looked at my PC. What could it be? HEAT! It's all about the temperature. So I re-applied some silver stuff on my CPU and reversed one of the fans on my case (yes they were all blowing in!) and viola it all worked at almost top settings on TF2. I cannot describe how happy I am!
So, to summarise, ignore the majority of the twats on forums and listen to the proper players, not the spawn camping fuckers who have their mums bring them dinner on a tray to their black bedrooms as they crack one off looking at some goblin woman on their second monitor.
If you're getting loads of stuttering or low FPS on HL2 engine games it may be a heating issue in the case. Try it. Swap a fan around. Vacum all the dust out. Try anything. But give it a go before you feel the need to have to upgrade.
Satisfied Gamer