DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE: 1. Easily offended! 2. Into all this 'Politically Correct' rubbish 3. Easily offended 4. Offended by anything that may be construde as Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic, Nationalist, Fatist, Disablist, Gingerist......You get the idea! I've decided to not hold back. No-one reads this anyway but if anyone does PLEASE DO NOT COMPLAIN, JUST DON'T READ IT!!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Anyone missing me???
I'm sure my hoards of blog fans are having withdrawl from my rants......
....back soon with a brand new version of the world!!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
No. 7 Vick is back!

He made his return to Atlanta with the Eagles and what a return! They all wore their old Falcons 7 shirts. They all started by booing him. Then he ran in a TD and tried to give the ball to a Dirty Birds fan that was cheering him. By the end of it they were chanting for him to come back.
It was unfortunate that he had to go to prison (DOG FIGHTING CHARGES??? Murderers get less!!) and the rookie Ryan did such a good job. Had they not decided to start building the franchise around him then they may well have re-signed Vick. The guy is brilliant.
I hope he can pick up his career and turn himself into a legend
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Arrogant Bastards
They were like a bunch of spoilt rich kids. Constantly complaining to the Ref. Throwing their hands in the air. Cursing everyone. Walking away from officials then they were called over.
Drogba needs a good kicking to put him in his place. Lampard missing his penalty was magic.
They don't deserve the title.
Friday, December 4, 2009
FIFA World Cup draw 2010
And I can't believe that Charlie Theron agreed to play the dumb blonde bird! "Oh please tell me how the groups work...hehehhehehe". Dear me, can she make herself sound any more stereotypical female??? Mind you she looked GOOD! And I think she was enjoying David Beckhams' company on stage ;-)
How many more smug, head's of FA's could you cram into one hall? Everything that's wrong with football in one place.
Roll on the actual sport.....
Monday, November 30, 2009
Cardiff City Football players

I had a great morning on Saturday 28th November. Why you might ask? Well I was lucky enoughto be allowed to the CCFC training ground to have my picture taken with some of the players who are supporting the Movember Charity. They were so nice even though I was like a star struck teenager!!
They were kind enough to sign one of my shirts which I will be auctioning off for Movember.
Here's a picture to prove I was there. I'm the dorky looking one in the middle!!
From left to Right: Gabor Geypes, David Marshall, Mark Hudson, Me!!, Peter Whittingham, Joe Ledley, Mark Kennedy.
UK Sailors held in Iran
I'm no yachty type person and have no idea about international waters and boundaries but I do no that I'd be far enough away from their waters so as to avoid bumping into any of their navy.
Race or no race, go the long way round!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Video Game Nerds
I had to build my PC on a budget. Got a dual core processor. Got an 8400GS. The card isn't actually too bad. However the amount of people who think they know all about PC's go on as if it is an etch-a-sketch (thanks to some work colleagues for that one!!). They go on about their £500, latest top of the range cards and how they can play Crysis at top settings and get 2,000,000 FPS......get a life! You do know that monitors refresh at 60FPS don't you? Knobs.
I have been searching for help on getting TF2 settings help. I was having major problems. I was despondent. My system should have worked according to Steam. I was starting to believe the uneducated Forum pricks. Then I discovered, from the proper Video Game Geeks, the educated ones who know what is best, the ones with knowledge, the ones who realise you can't always buy the latest from Nvidia, that TF2, and many other shooter games, are CPU dependent. You can run a lot of Valve games on old cards, so long as you have a half decent CPU.
So I re-looked at my PC. What could it be? HEAT! It's all about the temperature. So I re-applied some silver stuff on my CPU and reversed one of the fans on my case (yes they were all blowing in!) and viola it all worked at almost top settings on TF2. I cannot describe how happy I am!
So, to summarise, ignore the majority of the twats on forums and listen to the proper players, not the spawn camping fuckers who have their mums bring them dinner on a tray to their black bedrooms as they crack one off looking at some goblin woman on their second monitor.
If you're getting loads of stuttering or low FPS on HL2 engine games it may be a heating issue in the case. Try it. Swap a fan around. Vacum all the dust out. Try anything. But give it a go before you feel the need to have to upgrade.
Satisfied Gamer
Friday, November 20, 2009
Roy Keane is great!
Aside from this part of the interview, when he dresses down a journalist, his comments about the 'Hand of Henry' incident were spot on. As he said he'd have been having a go at his players for not heading the ball, for his keeper not claiming it, for the chances they missed at home etc., etc., etc..
Stop blaming one instance for non-qualification.
Bring in video referees for the love of God! Take the humans out of it and have cameras everywhere. They're only human and that's the problem.
Fog lights.........
Don't any of you remember the stupid infomercial with the guy from the Confessions films? No fog lights on in the rain?
World Cup 2010 continued....
FIFA bottled it basically. They fear the 'big' Nations missing out. I bet they are getting a right earful from a certain Russian Billionaire ;-)
Why they don't introduce a rugby style World Cup system I don't know. Top so many nations in the rankings from each continent automatically qualify and the rest scrap it out. It means that there could be less total matches and more diverse match ups. Get rid of the Germany 11-0 Litchenstein games. More evenly matched games so that lesser nations (and I include the Mighty Wales in that) can develop rather than getting slaughtered. It makes sense.
I could go on for hours about this but I won't bore you with my views. Add yours!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
FIFA World Cup 2010 Report
The 3rd and 4th Play off game was played in Dubai, as agreed with the Sky TV deal, between Argentina and [AN AFRICAN NATION]. Much to the surprise of England and Slovenia who were the losing Semi-Finalists. In a statement, Sepp Blatter said that "who cares who deserves to be there we want the big nations in the big games. It cost us a lot of money and effort to ensure Brazil and France got through. Referees, players and coaches come to quite a cost".
Let's be honest it's going that way though isn't it? Amazing how there were no seedings for the World Cup play offs until france, Portugal and possibly Germany were going into them.......I'll continue this later as my daughter wants to play Sims 3!!! Anyone want to donate a laptop to the ranting Blog cause????
Sunday, November 15, 2009
3 Readers!!!
Sorry Stew for making you read the charity stuff. It's the only charity stuff I do so bear with me.
Tell your friends (so long as they don't get offended!)
Welsh Football
Now when Big John was appointed manager I though it was a bad appointment. I've never forgiven them for sacking Terry Yorath when they did and I didn't have a very high opinion of Toshack. However he's done a good job overall and seems to have the right idea going forward but I think he's got it wrong about his comments this week.
Surely he should be focusing on the fact that if the 'A' Team is unavailable then the 'B' Team should be good enough to carry them? If we did qualify for a major championship (please one day, just once before I die!) would that mean we wouldn't have any sort of squad to compete? Would it not be better for him to be hassling the Welsh FA to set up a better youth system? If Cardiff City can reach the Premiership then this will help the cause immeasurably but rather than go on about who isn't there (and he hasn't help by alienating some much needed experienced, senior players) start focusing on who we can get there.
Friday, October 30, 2009
It's that time of year again when my kids are embarrassed to be seen with me and my wife has an excuse not to kiss me!!! Oh yes it's Movember again! I'm growing a Mo' (moustache for you that don't know!) to try and raise money and awareness for Prostrate Cancer Research.
As I've said in earlier blog posts (not that anyones read them) I'm not a charity type person because invariably it's huge corporations reaping in money and little lesser known ones getting no support. So we're trying to 'Change the face of mens health' and get some support going. You can visit my donation page below and my photostream on flickr to keep up to date on how I'm getting on with a few others from work (Hillarys Blinds)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Hey Blog readers...
...Well, OK, that means no-one but I like to live in hope!!
Not been on here for a while, so I've been surpressing all my rants which hasn't been good for my mental state or my family!!
I'll be ranting like normal soon
Be back soon for a catch up
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Vick is Back!!!!
Caster Semenya - Update
I hope she comes back at the next meet and bets the opposition by a mile!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Caster Semenya
Stock Markets
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Microsoft Sorry Over Race Row Photo Blunder
Apparently there was a picture on their website of 3 racial diverse people in a boardroom. However when it appeared on a Polish website the black man had been magically replaced by a white man.
Let's be honest Eastern Europe isn't renowed for it's tolerance of non-whites. I haven't got a problem with that, it's just the way things are. Hated by the West for a long time etc.. Let's put it this way, I wouldn't advertise my company over there with Tiger Woods as the face of it!!
Before all you Eastern European's start complaining (Like anyone reads this!) the ones that would write on here wouldn't be the sort to habour these feelings. Stereotypes are there for a reason. Because most of the time they're right. Do you honestly think all the white folk in South Africa were cheering when that female (is she?) athelete got off the plane? Oh come on! There were still shit loads of them laughing their tits off at the darkie who looks like a bloke!
I could go on for pages and pages about these sort of stereotypes. Deal with it. So what if a black guy got taken off a picture. How many white people have not been included in pictures or adverts because of exactly the same reason. Because it didn't fit the profile of an area. (Nice white American on a billboard in Iraq? Or blonde cheerleader in a Pakistani magazine? I think not)
Get over it. Why waste the time to take another picture. I'm sure the woman got taken out of it somewhere else as well. Just because it was a black man.
Bored of it all now
England's 2018 World Cup bid team has added its condemnation to the violence at Tuesday's Carling Cup match between West Ham and Millwall.
Mayor of Nottingham's Husband in sex scandal
Monday, August 24, 2009
Radio 5
Middle class news throughout the day.
Pretty good sports coverage in the night.
But the news coverage......why do I bother listening to it!! They are so naive. They have no idea about the real world. They really think that the world of Politicians and financial markets are the real world. That all of us care what goes on in Parliment. That me and the rest of my council estate give a damn that some Tory MP has slagged off a Labour MP who has then had a go back etc., etc.........
But they have been trying to be more 'tabloid' of late. OK a better description should be 'Argumentitive for the sake of being argumentitive'
An example could be:
Presenter: So you've created a clean, free fuel, Mr Smith?
Mr Smith: Yes. Anyone can make it, it's free and doesn't harm anyone
Mr Smith: but......
Presenter: All those families that you are ruining, what about them hey?
Mr Smith: but...clean
Presenter: Doesn't matter. Too many lives ruined, you heartless bastard. Phone in and let me know what you think of this family destroyer. And now the news
Get the idea? All the time. It's a bit embarassing at times. I think they are trying to be cooler but these middle to upper class presenters, posh Londoners just make fools of themselves.
EXTREME sports
Clues in the title. There's a reason they are called this. It's the reason that most of us won't even try some of them.
The reason I bring this up is because of a tragic death that occured about 16 months ago in New Zealand of an English girl doing some sort of body boarding down a white water river. She got stuck under a boulder and died. I only heard about this on the radio today as the mother was on because the New Zealand courts have found that the company who organised this event were in breach of 2 Health and Safety protocols. Turns out (according to the mother) that the company cannot be done for anything like Corporate manslaughter and they will probably get a fine, a "slap on their wrists".
What I am about to say is in no way meant to belittle the girls life. It annoys me that I've only heard about it because the media have got hold of the fact that they are being done for health and safety violations only. It's awful that someones adventure abroad ended their life.
But she didn't have to get on a flimsy board without a life jacket and jump into a river full of rocks, boulders and fast rushing water. You can't blame others because they offer you something (which you pay for) and don't give you the right equipment or don't have the knowledge. If someone offered me the opportunity to do anything around water and didn't offer me a floatation device of some sort I wouldn't go anywhere near it. It would be like being offered a go in a racing car round a race circuit and the people in charge not offering you a race suit, helmet and seat belt. You just wouldn't trust what they were offering.
It isn't just this instance. We all feel the need to blame others when something bad happens to us. Who's fault is it? Will they pay for it? I want justice! It's not my fault.
Sorry if this touches a nerve. Not that anyone will read this but I had to get it off my chest.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
What is the point....
....of cricket Umpires??
No really, why bother with them at International level? They all just want to be in the limelight and make sure they get noticed that any decision they have to make takes an eternity and then they have to add their own style to the hand motion etc., etc..
Just let a TV Umpire sort it all out and be done with all this eccentric behaviour. No need for them anymore. It's a slow enough sport to allow this.
Oh, wait....hang on.....won't happen. Why you might ask? Because of the 'Old Boys Network'. All the posh blokes who used to bum each other at Public School who scratch each others backs and don't like any changes from traditional things.
Essentially they will kill the game. But hey, who cares? We can always watch American Baseball if we want to be bored senseless. At least they finish it in one sitting!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
An appolgy
This won't happen very often but I do need to do this in order to clear my conscience.
My mum recently upgraded her phone and gave me her old one (which I kindly gave to my wife as hers was like about 100 years old!!). I needed to unlock it so paid for a code from Unlocksolutions.
I didn't read the terms (who does?) and entered all my details of the phone etc. and then paid £3.99 through Paypal and then checked out the report for my code. No code. Just an explanation saying that as my phone wasn't on their list in their terms they couldn't help me but they would allow me to unlock a different phone from their list for free. Now I wasn't in the best of moods that day (I was tired and grumpy!) and I lost the plot in the only way I knew how. I wrote a strongly worded email! Anyway I got a very quick response saying that they were sorry and giving me a full refund. How much of a twat did I feel then? I emailed back thanking them for their quick response and apologising if my mail seemed rude (the refund went straight back into my Paypal account).
So, if you need your phone unlocking and it is in the list on their terms page (link below) I recommend them, especially for £3.99. I didn't actually get a code but they seem to be a good site who aren't ripping people off.
Sorry Unlock Solutions for misjudging you.
What is the point......
.....of going to the Cinema to see a film?
Went to the cinema yesterday to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with my gorgeous wife. We very rarely get to go out together and took the opportunity while down here in Penarth, South Wales staying with my parents. Now this moan isn't about the film. It certainly isn't about the company (had a lovely time with my wife, holding hands, out on a date before having kids!). It's about the cinema.
More precisely the quality of the film. Not the content of the movie, but the actual quality of the film being projected onto the screen.
Why in God's name does anyone put up with it? It's fu@#ing dreadful!! It's not sharp. It crackles. There are little marks, sometimes lines flickering vertically. It jumps. Essentially it's SHIT!!!
Now, if I was the sort of person who might download don't say it Sharif.....pirated copy of a film and it turned out to be of the quality of the film that we saw last night I'd just delete and wouldn't even bother burning it. Having sat through it last night I'm starting to see why cam versions of films on DVD are so popular!
Mind you I think the cinema's have realised this and have come up with an ingenius scheme to make up for the poor quality. I can see the meeting of the cinema head's now......
Exec 1:"Picture quality is shit"
Exec 2:"Yep, what can we do? Invest in new projectors? Nice crisp sharp pictures like HD TV?"
Exec 3: "Too much money. Don't want to spend our bonuses when these idiot's keep coming back for more because they think the cinema experience of a film is better"
[Laughs all round the boardroom]
Exec 1+2: "I know what to do...."
[They exchange glances and smile]
Genius. Let's make it so loud your brain vibrates and your eyes can't tell if the picture is fuzzy or not!!! Who gives a damn if you can hear someone talking in the background 3 miles away from the main character? I want a HD quality picture.
Suffice to say I won't be going to the cinema again soon. At least not until I've forgotten how bad it is!! I won't start on how much of a rip off it is.......
£1.68 Billion...
...That's how much profit the British Government made due RBS making a profit this quarter. I know the government invested £20 odd billion but why hasn't this been on the news? Had the government announced that they were giving some organisation this amount of money we'd all be screaming for the "one-eyed" leader of this countries head!!!!
Come on people, let's give them a bit of a pat on the back when they do have some success.
I mean I only just realised that the pound was back up to $1.70. I had no idea. Last I heard it was on it's way down to about $1.30. The reason I found out about it being back up at $1.7? Because it's suddenly stopped climbing back up due to the Bank of England ploughing more money into the economy somewhere.
FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE MEDIA???? I knew, normally by the hour, where Sterling was in several currencies and how shit everything was for the UK thanks to huge tickers going across the bottom of Sky News (or as I like to call it "Tabloid Shite") and BBC News 24 (or "The poor actually live like this" news). Where was the one saying that things were looking a little better? Makes me sick.
There's no such thing as balanced news reporting anymore. Just the League of Gentlemen way of deeming if a news story is worthy or not........."Yeah but how many killings".......
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
GTA Chinawars on DS - 95.69% Complete!!
95.69% Complete I tell you!!!! And I haven't cheated. All I have done is find a list online of what is needed to make 100% completion and find the location of some of the races. Now I'm just wandering around Liberty City trying to find the last 9 cameras (that's right I've found 91 of the damn things without any help!), 6 Stunt Jumps 4 Rampages and 1 Safe House.
I'm on the verge of downloading a map to show them but I'm desperate to finish it without doing that!!!!
I'll keep you updated. If you care. NERDS RULE!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Never Forget Your Beginners Spirit
I'm not a charity type person but there are a few that I think are very worthwhile. You can only support so many or you'd just spend your life feeling guilty for not giving to every sick/wounded/abused/deprived person/animal/plant in the world. So visit this one. A hero and inspiration and a charity ethos that goes about things the right way
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Well Done Wiggo and Cav!!!
You may have noticed that the Tour de France has been on for the last 3 weeks. I love this sporting event. Many people can't see the appeal of a bunch of blokes riding around France on their bikes and if that's the case then I'm not going to ry and explain the appeal!!
Anyway, this year has been great for British riders. Mark Cavendish, the Manx Missle, was always on for a few sprint stage wins but finishing with 6, including the final Paris stage, was amazing! And would have won the Green Jersey had it not been for a disqualification in a stage that he shouldn't have been done for.
And Bradley Wiggins, finishing 4th overal. 4th!!! Amazing. And had it not been for a bit of an error early in the race when he got caught in a small split in the peleton he may have had 3rd. The guy has tansformed himself froma track star to a mountain climber and looks good for next year.
David Millar, as always, rode like a trooper, helping Bradley out as a team mate and also with a valiant break away that failed with 1km to go in Barcelona.
Can't wait for next year with Team Sky (the new GB team) and Lance Armstrongs Team Radioshack as well.
At least the French have got one thing right ;-)
County 2 - 1 Forest...Oh dear.....
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Do you know who I am?
I'm sure these words have been uttered recently by a few famous people over the last few days. Most notably would be Steven Gerrard. For those of you who don't know he's the Liverpool Football Club captain who recently got found not guilty for afray in a bar. Roughly translated, he didn't kick the shit out of a DJ. Now from the CCTV footage it appears that he wanted to take over the music and wasn't allowed and then later kicked the crap out of this bloke with 6 of his mates.
Of course I have no idea if this really happend or not. Obviously it didn't happen because he got a standing ovation from the Liverpool fans at a match he played in the evening after the trial and they're all honest, good law abiding citizens of the UK.......
Michael Vick got banged up for years for a bit of dog least the Americans don't bottle out of punishing their stars. (Mind you wish they had let Vick off this time, bloody PETA!!!)
And don't get me started on that overrated Amy Drughouse.....sorry Winehouse.......
Friday, July 24, 2009
And the No. 1 football team in Nottingham is.....
.....well, strictly speaking it's Nottingham Forest. Playing in the Championship alongside some great footballing teams such as Cardiff City, :-D , as opposed to Notts County, who pretty much only stayed in the football league last year due to several teams going into administration.
Some people may be wondering why I bring this up and start this post with such a statement. Well Notts County Football Club have recently been bought by investors who are going to be putting a lot of money into the club and have this week employed the former England Manager Sven Goran-Eriksson as Director of Football. Since this was confirmed on Wednesday there has been constant talk from County fans of getting into the Premiership and quashing those poor losers from across the Trent once and for all. They have decided that they don't need the money from Nottingham Rugby Club, who were sharing their ground last season (and bringing in nearly as many fans as the football team) and seem to have forgotten that they nearly went bust a season or two ago and received a lot of donations from the people of Nottingham irrelevant of their sporting allegiances.
This is all lining up to be the most embarrassing story in football history. Falls from grace are nothing new (just look at Leeds United, Southampton and even Nottingham Forest to a certain extent) but tripping over at the bottom of the pile before you've even got to the height where you can even fall from grace is going to be painful to watch.
What makes this even worse is that nationally it is seen as a huge joke. Sven is a comical figure, renowned for his off field antics and lack of success on the field, and the city of Nottingham is being made a laughing stock in the press ("Svens first job is to find local talent-that shouldn't be too hard!" paraphrased from the BBC website). Hooters on London Road has never had such great coverage. If they fail in their bid for success then......I hope Nottingham Tourist board have some good ideas to improve the image!
Don't get me wrong, I really hope that County do well for the sake of the City, and I think that they have started going about it the right way. But if this constant arrogance (for want of a better word) continues from the fans that I see on a daily basis without any justification, I think I will be stood on the south side of the Trent laughing my head off when the wheels of the Sven-express fall off.
PS. I'm not a bitter Forest fan or a true 'Pie, so I can be seen as neutral in this debate wanting nothing more than success for the city that I live in. Feel free to comment and tell your friends!!
PPS. My wife is a County fan so I hope they do well to keep her happy!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Economy to take 5 years to recover.....
....back to the heady hieghts of 2008, which is when it all went tits up because we were booming!! For the love of god, can we stop listening to the 'experts' about when a recovery will happen? These are the 'fools' who didn't predict the down turn and are being so conservative about any further predications that they really can't be trusted, can they?
If we just bought stuff that we need/want when we can afford it and not be scared about spending because of what the media tell us then we'd all be just hunky-dory!!
We're all going to die!!!!
Swine Flu: The new killer.......
Oh come on people, get a grip! I'm sick of the scare mongering and hyping up of this pandemic by the media. It's flu. Flu is always here. In fact, I believe it is a mild form of flu. Does every death from 'normal' flu get reported? No. In fact I bet most people don't realise people even die from flu all the time.
I've never had flu thankfully. I hear that it knockcs you for six. Apparently a good test of whether you have flu or not is the £20 test. If you are told there is a £20 note at the bottom of your garden and that it is yours if you get up and get it and you really can't do it then you have flu!! Swine flu though, as I'm led to believe by experts, is a mild form of flu.
But wait!! The media are telling me that some people are at risk and may DIE!!! Who are these people? The very old, the very young, the ill and the pregnant. Hang on I'm sure I've seen this somewhere before.......oh yes, on a poster, in a doctors surgery in an episode of 'Only fools and horses' from the 1980's!
I could go on all night in this debut blog post but I'd beter stop.
Basically, if you get it deal with it. If you are in the risk group then take it more seriously and contact your doctor. If you're not at risk, does it matter if you are tested and can then tell everyone "I had swine flu you know" or if you're not tested and just rest for a few days and move on???
Thanks for reading (yeah like anyone is going to read this!!!)