Friday, October 30, 2009


It's that time of year again when my kids are embarrassed to be seen with me and my wife has an excuse not to kiss me!!!  Oh yes it's Movember again!  I'm growing a Mo' (moustache for you that don't know!) to try and raise money and awareness for Prostrate Cancer Research.

As I've said in earlier blog posts (not that anyones read them) I'm not a charity type person because invariably it's huge corporations reaping in money and little lesser known ones getting no support.  So we're trying to 'Change the face of mens health' and get some support going.  You can visit my donation page below and my photostream on flickr to keep up to date on how I'm getting on with a few others from work (Hillarys Blinds)

1 comment:

  1. It's probably a shameful excuse for a reader, but you can now count your brother as one! And the cheek of the fact that I read two pages worth to get to the latest update which was a request for money! No chance. 1 in 3 of us get cancer anyway so I'll take those odds and lose no money.

    And, by the way, 5 Live gets better from 10pm. Richard Bacon Show in particular. He's got something akin to a cult of listeners.
