Big day today. Cardiff City take on Blackpool City in the play off final. Winner goes into the Premiership. The Premiership!!!! Can't believe how close we are (I don't like using 'we' when talking about Cardiff but you know what I don't care today!! ). It's where the club needs to be. It's what South Wales needs.
Watching all the coverage and I'm sick of all the Blackpool loving. "Fairy Tale story if they get there...", "Holloway would be great in the Premiership...", "it's been 31 years since Blackpool have been in the top flight", blah-de-blah-de-blah!!! Sick of it! They only want them in there so that they can have a laugh at there misfortune, so that they can be on the end of a couple of 8 nil drubbings, so that the big teams can point at the simpletons from the North West.......Nothing about wanting Cardiff there. Think it's because they think we could stay up. Because we have the structure to establish ourselves there. They worry!!!
Anyway, now that's off my chest, I'm off to "enjoy" the match. I'm cacking my pants!! Wish I was able to afford to see them more. Hopefully new job and I can see lots of them next season. Hopefully in the Premiership.......COME ON CARDIFF!!!!
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