Anyone that knows me, and anyone that reads this blog (hahahahaha, that made me laugh!!) will know that I'm Welsh. I used to take Welsh as a 2nd language in School until I was 14. Then I was advised to stick with French and I've regretted it since.
I've been trying to motivate myself to take it up again and also find a course that I can stick with. Recently I found a free course and it seems to work.
Say Something Welsh has a brilliant system of a series of mp3 files that you download and listen to. You basically say in Welsh what the bloke says in English! I was really skeptical at first but you know what? You pick it up really quickly. I've been doing it in the car on the way to work! I've only done the 1st lesson but I've been repeating it to make sure that I'm OK with it. I've started lesson 2. Now I just need to get a bit more organised. There's no reason why I can't do it every day......
Anyway, I fully recommend this site. It's free (which I couldn't believe when I found it) and there are loads of people on there who can help.
Log on and get speaking. I would sign out with something int Welsh but I'm only on the speaking part and not the writing part so far!!
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