So the BBC spent Millions on renting their studio for the 2010 World Cup. A huge glass window behind the presenters with a wonderful view of....well, what looks like a shanty town and a mountain. Now I know that it is one of the great natural wonders of the world but is it worth it?
Do they really think that football fans really give a shit about the back drop to the pundits? Most of them are in the pub and use the analysis part of the coverage as a chance to go to toilet or the bar! They may as well have had Caerphilly Mountain as the backdrop, or the Black Mountains...just as beautiful....minus the shanty town obvioulsly!!
Or they could have all stayed in London and had a huge projection of the backdrop instead. The image would have probably been better than what you see now. Also the evening coverage has the reflection of the studio in the glass. Quality as always from the BBC.
Can't believe I'm forced to pay for the rubbish the channel produces and pays.
While I'm on one, do they not realise that if you want to watch their matches you HAVE to watch the BBC coverage? They may as well have had a minimum wage student presenting it and use a crappy little studio in the UK as they don't have any competition for the coverage.
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